Circuit Breaking with Go

"Sometimes, the most powerful tool for progress is not a hammer, but a reset button."

Circuit Breaking with Go

Understanding Circuit Breaking

Circuit breaking is a design pattern that helps improve the resilience and availability of distributed systems. It prevents cascading failures and limits the impact of errors, ensuring that our application remains responsive even in the face of adverse conditions.

Why Circuit Breaking?

  • Prevent Cascading Failures: When a service fails, it can lead to a chain reaction of failures if other services rely on it. Circuit breaking helps isolate failures and prevent them from spreading.
  • Improve System Resilience: By preventing cascading failures, circuit breakers make our system more resilient to errors and disruptions.
  • Maintain Performance: Circuit breakers can help maintain system performance by limiting the impact of failed requests.

Implementing Circuit Breaking with Go

There are several ways to implement circuit breaking in Go. Here are two common approaches:

  1. Using a Third-Party Library Several third-party libraries provide circuit breaker implementations for Go. Some popular options include:
  • Hystrix-go: A port of Netflix's Hystrix circuit breaker pattern for Go.
  • Resiliency: A Go library for implementing resilience patterns, including circuit breaking.
  • Circuitbreaker: A simple circuit breaker implementation for Go.
  1. Building a Custom Circuit Breaker If you prefer a more tailored solution, you can build your own circuit breaker from scratch. Here's a basic example:
package circuitbreaker

import (

type CircuitBreaker struct {
        // ... other fields
        failureCount int32
        lastFailure time.Time
        timeout time.Duration

func (cb *CircuitBreaker) IsOpen() bool {
        // ... logic to determine if the circuit is open
        return atomic.LoadInt32(&cb.failureCount) > threshold

func (cb *CircuitBreaker) Call(fn func() error) error {
        if cb.IsOpen() {
                return ErrCircuitOpen

        err := fn()
        if err != nil {
                atomic.AddInt32(&cb.failureCount, 1)
                cb.lastFailure = time.Now()
                if cb.failureCount > threshold {

        return err

func (cb *CircuitBreaker) openCircuit() {
        // ... logic to open the circuit and set a timeout

func (cb *CircuitBreaker) closeCircuit() {
        // ... logic to close the circuit and reset the failure count

Key Considerations

  • Threshold: The number of consecutive failures that trigger the circuit to open.
  • Timeout: The duration for which the circuit remains open before transitioning to half-open.
  • Bulkhead Pattern: Combine circuit breaking with the bulkhead pattern to isolate different parts of your application and prevent failures from spreading.
  • Retry Logic: Implement retry logic with exponential backoff to give failing requests time to recover.
  • Monitoring: Monitor your circuit breaker's state to identify trends and potential issues.

Circuit breaking is a valuable tool for building resilient and scalable Go applications. By effectively implementing circuit breakers, we can improve the reliability and performance of our systems, even in the face of challenging conditions. \m/

Vinayak Mishra

Vinayak Mishra, a Cricket Enthusiast with keen interest in web and mobile applications. Hails from Mithila, Nepal, married to Rani and dad to his bundle of joy Bunu. Lives in New Delhi, India. You can follow him on Twitter or check out his website,